On Saturday October 10th, 2015, over 65 K-12 educators from all the metro Atlanta area came to the Georgia Tech campus to participate in the professional development conference entitled “Bridging the STEM Educational Gap for Latinos in Georgia.”
On Saturday October 10th, 2015, over 65 K-12 educators from all the metro Atlanta area came to the Georgia Tech campus to participate in the professional development conference entitled “rBridging the STEM Educational Gap for Latinos in Georgia.” Sponsored by Georgia Power, and hosted by the GoSTEM Program in partnership with the Latin American Association, this conference focused on how to use culturally situated strategies to teach Latino students and involve their families in school, as well as effective practices in STEM education. Educators were given the opportunity to engage in an array of workshops facilitated by Georgia Tech’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), the University of Georgia’s LISELL-B Project, the Georgia State Bio-Bus Program, and Georgia Power’s Learning Power Program. In addition, the event highlighted keynote lectures by Latino leaders in STEM, including Dr. Julián Rímoli, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech, and Ms. Luz Rivas, Founder and Executive Director of DIY Girls in Los Angeles, California. It was an inspirational day that brought together educators from K-12, higher education, community organizations, and corporate leaders, all with the goal of making an impact in the STEM education of Latino students in Georgia.