Registration is now open for these summer programs that are weeklong sessions designed to increase science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics knowledge.
The Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC) at Georgia Tech will offer 2023 summer programs at both the Atlanta and the Savannah campuses for elementary, middle, and high school students, starting in June and ending in July.
These programs are weeklong camps that focus on increasing science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) knowledge through various educational experiential activities. Instructors will be Georgia Tech faculty, staff, and students as well as K-12 educators and industry professionals.
The Atlanta summer programs are for rising 2nd- 12th grade students. Summer P.E.A.K.S. (Programs for Enrichment and Accelerated Knowledge in STEAM) are offered on-campus and STEAM Whistle Workshops are virtual sessions.
“We are excited to be able to provide summer learning opportunities to Georgia's K-12 youth again this summer,” said Sirocus Barnes, CEISMC director of expanded learning programs (previously student programs). “We are also excited to welcome youth to our campus to engage in high quality STEAM programs and introduce them to the world class research that takes place at Georgia Tech.”
This year’s First-Generation College Institute (FGCI) will become a three-day residential program on the Atlanta campus. The FGCI targets first-generation and limited income 8th-12th grade students in their transition from high school to college with a focus on STEM. Students will be connected with programs, resources, and people to support their success at Georgia Tech, as well as, be engaged in high-quality academic and hands-on STEM enrichment learning.
The Savannah summer programs are for rising 2nd grade through high school students with a variety of STEAM topics offered on-campus, such as LEGO Robotics for 4th and 5th grade students and college application prep through fun activities for 10th-12th grade students.
“This summer will be another exciting opportunity for local youth to engage in high quality STEM/STEAM programs here at the Georgia Tech Savannah campus,” said Timothy Cone, CEISMC Savannah program director. “With even more diversity in programming and additional scholarships, there is sure to be something for everyone!”
In 2023 CEISMC Savannah is expanding their offerings to include rising second graders for the first time. There will be five different programs for this age group spread throughout the summer, and each one has been carefully designed to offer a meaningful and fun experience in the areas of STEM and STEAM.
CEISMC continues to receive Building Opportunities in Out-of-School Time (BOOST) funding for scholarship opportunities for underrepresented and underserved students to attend the in-person sessions in Atlanta and Savannah. BOOST funding is provided by the American Rescue Plan, and the grant program is administered by the Georgia Department of Education in partnership with the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network.
CEISMC Atlanta Summer Programs
- June 5 – July 28, 2023, usually from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily (unless otherwise stated) with lunch provided.
- Weekly extended care available from 3:15 to 6 p.m. for an additional fee.
- Cost: STEAM Whistle Workshops - $225 for each virtual session, depending on topic. SUMMER P.E.A.K.S. - $450 for each in-person camp, depending on topic.
- BOOST Scholarships: https://expandedlearning.ceismc.gatech.edu/scholarship
- Register: https://expandedlearning.ceismc.gatech.edu/
- Questions: summerpeaks@gatech.edu
CEISMC Savannah Summer Programs
- June 5 – July 21, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily with lunch provided.
- Cost: $300-$350 for each camp, depending on topic.
- BOOST Scholarships: https://ceismc.gatech.edu/savannah/summer-scholarship-information
- Register: https://ceismc.gatech.edu/savannah/
- Questions: gtsoutreach@gatech.edu
--Angelica Jones, CEISMC Communications